7 Signs That It Is Time To End A Toxic Friendship

Friendships in our adulthood can be complicated and challenging to navigate. I’m not sure why this has come as a surprise to me — I suppose I mistakenly assumed that all the hard relationship stuff would be over once I was done with middle and high school. I thought I would graduate from high school and leave all the bad hair, fashion faux pas, and drama behind.

I was wrong. Adulthood is just the next level of complicated and adult friendships are just the next level of challenging.

One of the most difficult aspects of adult friendships can be deciding when to end one. Sometimes, though, the decision you need to make can be pretty clear, especially if your friend is demonstrating any of the 7 tell-tale signs that the friendship is a toxic one:

1. They ghost you

If you’ve ever been ghosted by someone, you know how much it hurts. One minute you are a part of that person’s life and the next it’s as if you never existed. Phone calls, text messages, invitations, and even acknowledgements in public just come to a screeching halt. Even if there have been hurt feelings or mistakes in a friendship, resorting to completely ignoring someone is just plain childish.

2. They are talking about you



Jenni Brennan, Changing Perspectives

Passionate about exploring the topics of grief, parenting, relationships & mental health. Visit me at www.changingperspectivesonline.com