The Sinkhole

How I Learned To Drive The Other Way

Jenni Brennan of Changing Perspectives

The other day I fell into a sinkhole. Again.

You know the kind of sinkhole I’m talking about — the metaphorical kind. The kind that opens up and drags you under, disrupting your life — usually without warning.

This same stupid sinkhole has plagued me for years now. Each time it gets patched up, the fix only lasts for a short while before it becomes dangerous again.

Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about the sinkhole.

I’ve learned what causes sinkholes and how you can try to decrease your chances of encountering them.

I’ve learned how to add supports and reinforcements to reduce the risk of falling into the sinkhole.

I’ve learned to make the sinkhole more stable so that I could more safely move near it.

I’ve learned how to calmly drag myself out of the sinkhole each time it swallows me whole.

I’ve learned to minimize the toll the sinkhole has on my life.

I’ve learned to normalize sinkholes — afterall, we all hit sinkholes sometimes.

But, the other day I fell in it again. My reinforcements hadn’t worked, minimizing it hadn’t worked, normalizing it hadn’t worked. Nothing had worked.



Jenni Brennan, Changing Perspectives

Passionate about exploring the topics of grief, parenting, relationships & mental health. Visit me at